The stars shone brightly last night, to welcome the elegant ladies of the NEW JERSEY CAMEO CLUB and other invited guests, as they gathered together for the 13th ANNUAL HOLIDAY CELEBRATION, at La Bove Grande Restaurant in Lakehurst. It was a delightful evening, filled with fun, laughter, good cheer, and great music, and a delicious buffet dinner, complete with a mimosa fountain that flowed all night long. Enjoy the photo gallery from that fabulous evening!
In the first photo above, Desiree Nigrelli, MS NEW JERSEY SENIOR AMERICA 2011, entertains her "sisters" and guests with her soulful rendition of the popular balled, "AT LAST".
Queen Desiree Nigrelli and husband Martin, move easily across the dance floor as they enjoy a slow ballad to the music of the ever so talented singer/DJ, Steve Berger.
Why is Adeo so happy ... he is surrounded by a bevvy of beauties ... his lovely wife Johanne Santori, MSNJSA STATE PAGEANT DIRECTOR, and her friends from the MISS AMERICA PAGEANT organization. Kudos to these great ladies who help us out each year with our pageant!
Two happy couples beam for the camera: Rebecca Orsatti, MSNJSA2010, and Desiree Nigrelli, MSNJSA2011.
Looking stylish and elegant are: Jo Ann Gordon,MSNJSA2008 and Vice President, New Jersey Cameo Club. Bernadette Dudek, MSNJSA2009, standing Barbi Jo Crema, and Josephine Araniti,MSNJSA2007, Director, Publicity/Public Relations, and Director Great Dames Chorus.
Same photo as above, with Carol Lelli, sitting down. Jo Ann also served on the committee for the Annual Holiday Celebration.
Phyllis Burton and Pauline Petto, together with their spouses, enjoying each others company.
The "sisters" from Leisuretown were excellent examples of charm and elegance. From left to right: Lyn Gibson,MSNJSA2000, Gloria Segal, Marianne Szumski, and Leah Whelan, 1st runner up, MSNJSA PAGEANT,2011.
In the background are Patricia Franz and husband. During the evening, Maria Crowell and her dancing partner, dazzled everyone with an elegant ballroom dance.
Kay Vigue and husband were especially proud to watch their daughter Melanie, who encouraged many ladies to get out onto the dance floor and follow her as she made up impromptu dance routines.
Rose Majofsky (our lady in red), and husband made friends with the parents and friends of Jo Ann Gordon.
Eileen Renders, and Norma Cruz Vasquez take a rest in between dances. Singer-DJ Steve Berger and wife Debbie kept everyone on their feet dancing the night away to so many great tunes.
Laverne Stokes, MSSA1985, brought all her friends. Maybe they will decide to become future contestants in the MSNJSA PAGEANT!
Delores Puzio, MSDESA2008, raises a toast, cuddling under the protective arm of her friend Bob, and Sherri McGhie and Uncle smile in agreement.
Sitting are Norma McGhie, MSNJSA1995, and husband Roy,and standing are Patricia Oravetz MSNJSA2001 and husband. Norma and Sherri chaired the committee for this year's party. Thanks for a wonderful evening!

Another reason the evening was so special was to welcome back those "sisters" who have been out due to illness of their own, or their spouses.
Josephine Araniti, MSNJSA2007, was also able to attend this year's party, and brought her husband Nazmi.
Marge Wanamaker enjoys a friendly hug from Ethel Sullivan, as Brenda Christian, Dale Maglia, President, NEW JERSEY CAMEO CLUB, and another committee member, and Rosa Cuomo, smile broadly for the camera.
Pictured above are: Fran Lundeen, Agnes Raimondi, Grace Luong0, MSFLSA1993, and friends.

It is come to this reporter's attention that there is no picture of Delores Peronace, MSNJSA2002. She wasn't at table when I went around the room, and I didn't realize that I had omitted her until I was at home writing this article. Sorry for the omission. I hope I didn't leave any other NEW JERSEY CAMEO CLUB lady out. Please contact me if I did.

Thanks again to the committee for a job well done! MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKKAH, and, as the comedian Jerry Seinfeld coined the phrase, HAPPY FESTIVUS FOR THE REST OF US!

For more photos of the 13th Annual Holiday Celebration, please visit our website: www.msnewjerseysenioramerica.org.


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